How to Use Economic Calendar for Forex Trading

Economic calendars are essential tools for forex traders. They provide exact times for announcements that could affect market volatility and are essential tools in any trader’s toolbox. Economic calendars typically feature major economic events like GDP reports, interest rate decisions, employment figures and inflation data – they may even include central bank speeches and major […]

How to Make Forex Trading Robots

Forex trading robots are software programs that automate a trader’s actions. They analyze market data, identify potential trading opportunities and place trades automatically on behalf of traders. A good trading robot can increase profit and efficiency for traders while helping remove emotions from trading decisions. Their algorithms may be based on one technical pattern, multiple […]

Does Herbal Tea Dehydrate You?

Though tea may not provide quite as much hydration as water, it can still provide you with your daily fluid requirements. As long as you don’t overdo the caffeine intake and replace any lost fluids through urination, tea can still serve as an effective hydration alternative – particularly herbal varieties which tend to be caffeine-free […]

What is Single Payer Health Care?

As healthcare is consistently polling higher than any other issue in the US, discussions over single-payer health care have come to the forefront of political discourse. But what exactly is single payer healthcare, and what would its implementation look like? Single-payer health care refers to a healthcare system in which all private and public insurance […]

Can You Really Master Forex Trading With IM Academy Forex?

Forex trading can be an uncertain investment that could potentially result in substantial losses. Therefore, it is crucial that investors fully comprehend all associated risks before engaging in any trades. IM Academy Forex provides educational resources, mentorship programs and tools for individuals wishing to learn forex trading; however some come at an additional cost and […]

What Is the Best Forex Trading Platform?

The foreign exchange market is one of the world’s largest, with daily volumes exceeding $5 trillion. This global decentralized marketplace for trading currencies establishes the foreign exchange rate and includes buying, selling and exchanging at current or determined prices. Along with providing platforms for trading, top forex brokers also offer educational resources and tools designed […]

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